Friday, September 27, 2013

Student Success Statement

                                           Student Success Statement                                     
 "Every time I've done something that doesn't feel right, it's ended up not being right"  
                                               - Mario Cuomo 

Reflection: As we grow older, our bodies grow, and our minds mature. We look back at all the naive things we said, the bad things we have done and it soon hit's us. What were we thinking? Sometimes, you feel as if something you have done is great and you give yourself a pat on the back for doing so, others, you feel as if you have done something wrong and indeed in fact you committed something wrong. This quote resembles that.                              

Cytotechnologist CPCC


     Cytotechnologits, study cells and look at and abnormalities in the cells. A cytotechnologit uses a microscope to look at specimens that can not be seen within the naked eye. Cytotechnologits have to be perfectly trained and able to make conclusions on their own and not miss anything because the patient depends on them. Most Cytotechnologits either work in a hospital or in research facilities. Even dough I enjoy science, the career as a cytotechnologits is not for me because I don't feel comfortable having the life of someone rest on my hands and I end up doing something wrong. 


Duties and responsibilities:
Cytology is the study of human cells. Cytotechnologists are specially trained clinical technologists who study human cells. They examine cells to identify changes that may indicate diseases like cancer.  
 Their duties include preparing microscope slides of cell samples, examining cell samples using microscopes, identifying abnormalities in shape, size, or color, using other automated lab equipment to perform tests, and analyzing report text results to physicians.
  Cytotechnologists usually work in hospitals, clinics, or private laboratories. They also work in universities or for other researchers.  
 Average Salary: $30,000-$50,000  
Educational Requirements:
Students should take the most challenging high school courses in science, math, and English.
Almost all cytotechnologists earn bachelor ’s degrees in medical or clinical technology programs that include a year-long clinical internship in the field.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
" Only I can Change my life. No one can do it for me." 
- Carol Burnett 

Student Reflection: 
  What this quote is trying to emphasize is that no one can change your life, only you can.  Sure someone can encourage, guide and help you but they can't dot it for you. If you ant to change you have to work for it, you have to push yourself and not be lazy because  in the end all you are going to have is yourself. Someone once said " Life is short" indeed, it is. Why not change your life for something better instead of the worse.

Rehabilitation or Mental Health Counselors

Rehabilitation or Mental Health Counselors
Duties and Responsibilities: 
     Rehabilitation or mental health counselors work with the mentally, emotionally, and physically disabled. It is their job to help patients to help them become self-sufficient and productive. Counselors often work closely with their patient’s doctors and family. Counselors may work in private practice, for schools, industry, or in hospital or residential health care settings. Counselors often:
  • ·         Work with patients who abuse alcohol or addicted to drugs.
  • ·         Interview and observe patients to determine problem areas.
  • ·         Conduct personality, aptitude, achievement and psychological tests
  • ·         Help patients find and keep jobs.
           Average Salary: $25,000-$45,000
Educational Requirements:  
  Students interested in becoming counselors should take a challenging high school curriculum.
A bachelor’s degree in education, psychology, sociology is the minimum requirement for low level counseling jobs, but a master degree is required for the most. To become licensed by state, counselors must pass written and oral examinations and work for about two years in a supervised clinical setting.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
" Goodness is the only investment that never fails" 
                                     -Henry David Thoreau       

Student Reflection: Everything around us, maybe not everything, somehow finds a way to crumble down and fail. You try to invest in money that could maybe end up failing. One way or another things fail. But, there is something that no matter what it doesn't fail, and that something is goodness. Goodness won't fail because when you do great, you surround yourself with greatness.