Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Sting of the Scorpion

"The Sting of the Scorpion" 

Summary:  A family and their sun are in the desert of the Peninsula having a camp out. The little boy is warned to wear his shoes at at all time because  their is thorns and scorpions in the ground and they could possibly sting them. The little boy wants to explore and decides not to wear his shoes because be believes that he will be near and nothing will happen. He ignores the thought of what his parents tell him and wanders off. The little boy feels a sting in the stands and believes it is a thorn until he looks down and realizes it was a scorpion. He soon experiences excruciating pain and yells out for his parents. His parents help escort him to the car and wander off to the hospital that is over 2 hours away. Once at the hospital, the doctor treats the little boy and he turns out find. The narrator, who is the boy that was stung by the scorpion soon admits that he chose the wrong and felt the sting of the scorpion. 
Reflection: What I leaned about this is to always choose the right and obey what I am told. Because when push comes to shove, I could fall and feel the wrath of my mistakes. I have done something rateable like this when I hung around with a couple of people who were a bad influence and my mom told me to stay away from. I completely ignored her and hung around with them. I ended up getting in trouble and not only felt the wrath of my bad decision but the wrath of my mom.

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