Student Success Statement
" A worthy goal, combined with a positive mental attitude (PMA), is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement"
-Napoleon Hill
Student reflection: In this quote, Napoleon Hill expresses that a positive goal with positive outlook is the starting point of great success. What Hill means by that is that if you think with bright positivity and set goals for yourself , you have yourself at your first step towards your success. For example, myself, My goal at the moment is to graduate High School and not to let anyone destroy that ambition. However, there is people who would just love to see me crumble to the ground, as much as I would like to say something back when they insult me, I always tell myself, "They aren't going to be paying your bills, they aren't going to be there for you, and most importantly, they are not going to be the ones reviewing my college application and accepting me to college". That is my positive thinking and to graduate and get into a college is my goal and I am sticking to that goal no matter what.
Learn more about Napoleon Hill
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