Success Statement
The answers to these questions will determine your success or
Can people trust me to do what’s right? yes
2. Am I committed to doing my very best? yes
3. Do I treat people
the way I want to be treated? Yes
“If the answers to these questions are YES, there
is no way you can fail”
Lou Holtz
Reflection: Trust has become
just a word over past few years leading trust to slowly die. It seems you
cannot trust anyone anymore. But, it’s those who chose to stop their needy and
greedy needs to be different who deserves to be trusted. Trusting someone to do
what’s right is not only doing what the mass population wants you to do, but
doing what helps and what people feel is right within themselves. Of course,
you have to be committed! But, even if you are committed, things can happen but
the people who keep going and remain committed are the ones who are truly committed.
Humanity, a complex subject, we treat others nicely but what others treat us?
Of course, some people will always hate you, but I want different even if at
times it seems unacceptable. There are other factors that lead to success than
just these factors. People tend to view success as how much money you have or
how many people you know, but success can be those little things like
overcoming drug use, being a cancer survivor, raising 3 kids on your own, or
even going from drop out to Harvard graduate.